Base64 to Image Converter

I’ve created many tools in the past, but usually they are customized for a specific web site and specific purpose, so I don’t bother adding them to this page. This tool, though, could be useful to others. The reason I created this is because I was using Grey Wyvern’s “Binary File to Base64 Encoder/Translator” to convert images into base64 encoding. There were a few times, though, where I had the base64 code and I wanted the original file back. So, without further jibber-jabber, here it is:

Binary to Image Converter Screenshot

20 Great Reasons to Homeschool

I’m so proud of my wife and her willingness to homeschool. In honor of that, please read these 20 reasons to homeschool:


20 Great Reasons to Homeschool

20 Great Reasons to Homeschool

Color Scheme Designer

I found a great web site for picking color schemes, so thought I’d share it: Here’s a screenshot of the site: screenshot